Overseas Aircraft Support, Inc is pleased to announce their acquisition of Type Certificates H7SO from Mr. Bill Williams.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was advised of the transfers and the Type Certificates (TC) have been reissued to Overseas Aircraft Support, Inc. This type certification authorizes domestic and certain international organizations to operate military surplus UH-1E, UH-1L. TH-1L, UH-1B and UH-1H model helicopters in a restricted category.
“The acquisition of this Type Certificate introduces an incredible opportunity for both our customers and employees.”.” says John Boucher, “Our Company has reached another important milestone.”
Overseas Aircraft Support’s restoration, overhaul and upgrade programs result in significant performance enhancements and impressive cost savings when compared to aircraft which are outfitted in the original equipment manufacturers configuration.
Innovations, including the aggressive application of new technology have made Overseas Aircraft Support a leader in the overhaul maintenance and refurbishment of Bell Medium Series Helicopters and components. Overseas Aircraft Support, Inc. operates under FAA Approved Repair Station No. O4UR346Y and their capabilities include, but are not limited to, inspections, incident and non incident related evaluations, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, depot level maintenance, airframe repair, electrical and avionics upgrades, component overhaul and paint. The company is authorized to issue Federal Aviation Administration Restricted Certificates of Airworthiness as well as supplemental Export Certificates of Airworthiness.
Contact us via email at jboucher@oasinc.aero or by phone at +1 928-368-6965 for additional information. Visit our website at http://oasinc.aero