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The new generation "plug and play" replacement caution/warning panel for the BK117 will be NVG compatible. AEM Photo

New plug and play caution/warning panel for BK117 offers NVG lighting and increased reliability

Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Press Release | February 26, 2018

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Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp. (AEM) and Aviation Specialties Unlimited, Inc. (ASU) are pleased to announce they will be proceeding with the development, qualification, certification and sale of a new generation, “plug and play” replacement caution/warning panel for the BK117 series helicopter. The MCP117 will be night vision goggle (NVG) compatible, DO-160G qualified, feature LED lighting and has significantly higher reliability than the original product.

The new generation "plug and play" replacement caution/warning panel for the BK117 will be NVG compatible. AEM Photo
The new generation “plug and play” replacement caution/warning panel for the BK117 will be NVG compatible. AEM Photo

“We have been discussing the product idea for some time with ASU, but we always seemed to be slightly out of step with each other,” said Ray Lewis, VP of business development for AEM. “When we were ready to commit to the project, the ASU team was too busy and vice-versa, but we have finally managed to sync up! We are pleased to be moving forward with the project and very happy to have ASU working with us.”

“We have done a lot of NVG conversions for BK117 helicopters; the caution/warning panel has always been a challenge and a bit of a maintenance concern for us,” said Kip McDermott, VP of business development for ASU. “We’ve used AEM for other projects and services, and are excited to do a caution/warning panel project with them. The MCP117 is a natural for us, as we already have an established BK117 customer base that will benefit from a new, reliable product.”

AEM and ASU anticipate releasing a certified product to the market toward the end of 2018.

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