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EASA certifies Sikorsky S-92 AMS 8.0 and ADS-B Out

Sikorsky Press Release | May 21, 2014

Estimated reading time 2 minutes, 40 seconds.

Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. has announced the certification by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) of enhanced functionality for the S-92 helicopter. The announcement was made at both the European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibit (EBACE) in Geneva, Switzerland, and at the ILA Berlin exhibition in Germany. Sikorsky Aircraft is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. 
The newly certified software update to the Avionics Management System (AMS), version 8.0, provides display enhancements to existing functionality to support several important S-92 mission capabilities, including CAT A Takeoff, enhanced search and rescue patterns, and rig approach, a first of its kind functionality on the S-92 helicopter that provides operators with an automated approach to offshore rig and platform landings. The update also provides a growth path to game-changing new safety enhancements in the S-92 cockpit, such as fully integrated Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) II and Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out. 
ADS-B Out is the next generation of air traffic control safety equipment. The functionality provides aircraft and air traffic controllers with real-time, satellite-based position and heading data, and will replace current radar-based systems. The system has been certified for the S-92 helicopter by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil and now the European Aviation Safety Agency. 
“The S-92 helicopter has earned a reputation as a safe and very rugged aircraft able to operate in demanding environments. These enhancements increase mission capability and situational awareness for operators,” said Audrey Brady, director, S-92 programs. “We are proud ADS-B Out will start operating in Europe later this year.” 
The S-92 helicopter leads the way as the most compliant aircraft in its class with the FAA and European airworthiness safety standards, and meets or exceeds oil and gas industry requirements. These helicopters perform search and rescue (SAR) missions, head of state missions, as well as a variety of transportation missions for offshore oil and gas crews, utility and airline passengers. The U.S. Navy recently selected Sikorsky to build a fleet of ‘Marine One’ helicopters based on the FAA-certified S-92 aircraft to transport the Office of the President beginning in the early 2020s. 

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