CASA issues urgent AD for Bell Helicopter Textron Canada 206 and Agusta Bell 206 Series Helicopters | December 1, 2005

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(Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998), PART 39 – 105


On the effective date specified below, and for the reasons set out in the background section, the CASA delegate whose signature appears below revokes Airworthiness Directive (AD) AD/BELL 206/158 and issues the following AD under subregulation 39.001(1) of CASR 1998. The AD requires that the action set out in the requirement section (being action that the delegate considers necessary to correct the unsafe condition) be taken in relation to the aircraft or aeronautical product mentioned in the applicability section: (a) in the circumstances mentioned in the requirement section; and (b) in accordance with the instructions set out in the requirement section; and (c) at the time mentioned in the compliance section.

Bell Helicopter Textron Canada (BHTC) 206 and Agusta Bell 206 Series Helicopters

AD/BELL 206/158
Fuel Distribution System

Bell Helicopter Textron Canada (BHTC), Model 206 series helicopters as follows:

206A – Serial Numbers (S/N): 004 through 660 and 672 through 715
206B – Serial Numbers (S/N): 661 through 671 and 716 through 4586 and 5101 through 5305


  1. Inspect the grounding of the fuel pumps and solenoid valve, as per instructions provided in Part I of Alert Service Bulletin (ASB) 206-05-103, dated 11 February 2005, or later revisions approved by the Chief, Continuing Airworthiness, Transport Canada.
  2. Helicopters which have incorporated the modification consisting of relocation of the purge hose, as per instructions provided in Part II of (ASB) 206-05-103 (Requirement 2 of the initial issue of this Directive), are to restore the purge hose to the previous configuration, which existed prior to the introduction of this Alert Service Bulletin.

Note: Transport Canada AD CF-2005-10R1 refers.


For Requirement 1 – Remains unchanged as “Within the next 100 hours time in service, but no later than 10 July 2005”.

For Requirement 2 – Before further flight after 29 December 2005.

This Amendment becomes effective on 2 December 2005.

Transport Canada has advised that inadequate electrical grounding of the fuel boost pump and the fuel drain solenoid valve, combined with fuel hoses contact, could cause arcing in the main fuel cell which may in turn cause an explosion and resultant fire.

The original issue of this Directive required a one time inspection to ensure correct grounding and, if necessary the disconnection and stowage of the engine fuel purge hose.

Since Canadian Airworthiness Directive CF-2005-10 was issued, Transport Canada has determined that the purge hose relocation as per instructions provided in Part II of ASB 206-05-103, could cause an engine flameout in a low fuel, boost pump off, condition. Therefore, until further notice, Requirement 2 of the initial issue of this Directive is revoked and this Amendment requires the helicopter fuel purge hose to be returned to its previous configuration.

The original issue of this Directive became effective on 16 June 2005.

James Coyne
Delegate of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority
30 November 2005

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