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BOOST Systems and AirWork & Heliseilerei GmbH announce EASA approval of Complex Personnel Carrying Device System

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Boost Systems announced a European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) supplemental type certificate (STC) for the complex Personnel Carrying Device System (cPCDS) to be used with the previously EASA certified (EASA STC 10081304) BOOST human external cargo (HEC) System for the Airbus H125/AS350/AS355. 

BOOST collaborated with AirWork and Heliseilerei GmbH (A&H) for the development and certification of an EASA complex Personnel Carrying Device System EASA STC 10085893.  

“The BOOST HEC System for the Airbus H125/AS350/AS355 was EASA certified in 2023 and we received overwhelming support from European operators. Now, in partnership with A&H we offer the complete solution including the EASA certified complex Personal Carrying Device System (cPCDS). Working closely with A&H allowed us to offer a cPCDS specifically for our Airbus H125/AS350 HEC System here in Europe,” explains Derek Thomas, president at BOOST Systems. 

The BOOST AS350/H125 HEC System has a carrying capacity of 1,100 pounds / 500 kilograms, which allows for multi-person rescue.  

The provisions kit installs quickly and easily. Once installed, the mission kit (dual hook and load beam) is installed and removed within minutes.  

A&H was able to leverage their years of experience providing EASA complex PCDS systems for the H135 and Bell 429 to make the certification process as streamlined as possible. The EASA certified complex Personal Carrying Device System (cPCDS) can be purchased directly from AirWork & Heliseilerei GmbH (A&H).  

This press release was prepared and distributed by BOOST Systems. 

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