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U.S. H160 operations begin as PHI receives first aircraft

By Oliver Johnson | July 4, 2024

Estimated reading time 2 minutes, 24 seconds.

PHI has taken official delivery of its first H160, marking the start of operations for the type in the U.S. – and the type’s debut in the offshore transport role.

The delivery will allow PHI to begin its long-awaited “route proving” program in the Gulf of Mexico, which is being performed in collaboration with Shell and Airbus.

The program will demonstrate the aircraft’s suitability to the offshore role, replicating everything PHI aims to do with the aircraft when it begins full commercial operations with the type.

The program is due to last about eight months, with data flowing freely between the partners.

“This is an exciting milestone for our teams and partners,” said Scott McCarty, CEO of PHI Group, in a press release announcing the delivery. “The H160 represents a new era for PHI, enhancing our commitment to safety, quality and efficiency for our operations in the Gulf of Mexico. We are proud to officially welcome this next-generation aircraft into our fleet as we kick off route-proving.”

PHI will ultimately use four H160s for its route proving program. The aircraft is a 12-seater in oil-and-gas configuration, and will compete against the Leonardo AW139 and Sikorsky S-76 in its offshore transport role.

Airbus Helicopters CEO Bruno Even highlighted the type’s efficiency and comfort as being well-suited to the work.

“The H160’s lower fuel consumption, its ability to use up to 50 percent blended SAF, comfortable cabin, and excellent cockpit visibility make it ideally suited for offshore operations,” said Even. “We are confident that it will excel in PHI’s energy missions.”

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