Maryland State Police - Aviation Command

Pilot-Rotary Wing | Salisbury Maryland, USA

Job Description

SALARY/BENEFITS:Starting $99,183. Eligible for Non-Competitive promotion to MSP Pilot I-B and competitive promotions to MSP Pilot II when qualified; PLUS, Annual Cost-of-Living step increases contingent upon funding; Exceptional Retirement Package; Outstanding Employee Benefits; multi-mission platform; AW/139 aircraft and more.
An MSP Pilot I-A, Second-in-Command, is the intermediate level of civilian helicopter pilot work within MSP Aviation Command (MSPAC). Employees in this classification will act as the Second-in-Command (SIC) pilot of helicopters enumerated in the MSPAC Standard Operating Procedures, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Rules and Regulations and as mandated by the Director of Flight Operations or the MSPAC Commander. Employees conduct flight operations in accordance with FAA rules and regulations for search and rescue missions, medical evacuation operations, and other law enforcement related missions. Employees ensure all MSPAC and FAA Regulations concerning operation of Department aircraft are strictly followed. Ensures aircraft are in a constant state of readiness and shall notify the Maryland State Police Pilot II (Pilot-in-Command) or appropriate supervisor of any discrepancy of a grounding nature. Employees ensure all records concerning the aircraft are maintained according to established protocol. Employees work in conjunction with the Pilot-in-Command, flight paramedic and other passengers to form the crew.
EXAMPLES OF WORK (Examples are illustrative only):

Flies MSPAC aircraft as SIC for aero-medical missions, search and rescue missions, homeland security, disaster assessments, prisoner extradition, personnel transport and other law-enforcement related missions according to FAA rules and regulations;
Conducts pre-flight and post-flight inspections in accordance with MSPAC and FAA regulations and standards;
Performs maintenance functions that include cleaning aircraft interiors and exteriors, refueling and adding necessary fluids, and replacing light bulbs;
Performs routine maintenance of hangar and office facilities;
Operates specialized flight-related equipment, such as tow motors;
Recommends go/no-go flight risk management decisions related to weather conditions, maintenance, and other flight safety considerations;
Completes paperwork required by the MSPAC and Maryland State Police such as flight operation logs, aircraft logs, and other documents;
Completes required training courses and exercises in compliance with FAA and MSPAC regulations;
Performs other related duties.


Knowledge of FAA rules and regulations;
Knowledge of flying techniques required for day, night and instrument flying conditions;
Knowledge of aircraft maintenance procedures;
Skill in piloting helicopters;
Ability to make safe and rational go/no-go flight decisions and to determine if weather and other flight safety considerations are within acceptable ranges;
Ability to fly helicopters in potentially hazardous conditions;
Ability to communicate effectively.

Education: Graduation from an accredited high school or possession of a high school equivalency certificate.Experience: Twelve hundred (1200) helicopter or fixed wing flight hours as a FAA certificated pilot.

Employees in this classification must possess and maintain a FAA Commercial Helicopter certification.
Employees in this classification must possess and maintain FAA 2nd Class Physical certification.
Employees in this classification must possess and maintain an acceptable Instrument Helicopter as determined by FAA regulations and required by the MSP Aviation Command.
Employees in this classification may be assigned duties which require the operation of a motor vehicle. Employees assigned such duties will be required to possess a motor vehicle operatorrsquo;s license valid in the State of Maryland.


Candidates for positions in this classification will be subject to an initial drug screening and a complete criminal background investigation, to include a polygraph examination, by the Maryland State Police before permanent appointment can be made. A criminal conviction record may be grounds for rejection of the applicant.
Employees in this classification are subject to call-in on a 24 hour basis and must provide the employer with a phone number where they can be reached.
Employees in this classification are subject to substance abuse testing, in accordance with Code of Maryland Regulation 17.04.09, Testing for Illegal Use of Drugs.
Employees in this classification are subject to other FAA applicable drug testing requirements.
Employees in this classification are required to sign an Obligation Service Agreement as a condition of employment.


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Hit the BLUE ldquo;Click HERE to applyrdquo; and follow the instructions for completing the application.

We are totally committed to making your experience with the MSPAC a rewarding one. Should you have any questions or experience difficulty navigating the On-Line Applicant process, please feel free to contact Ms. Christina Blake at ( or Ms. Rita Thomas at ( For additional information on the MSPAC you are encouraged to visit our web site at WWW.MDSP.ORG.

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